Myles Rennie
Two little, yet powerful, words that can change your world. My mother always called please the magic word. Please is such a powerful word because it is an expression of respect toward other people. It shows that you value their time and energy and effort.

   To respect all people and all things is the number one value I teach my boy's. It is a fact that if someone feels respected they feel valued and when you show a person how much you value them they will be willing to show, in return, how much they value you. 

   The second power-word is thanks. Thanks shows appreciation for the effort or time that someone had to expend to benefit you. It shows that you acknowledge them and again is shows that you value them. Always remember that both gratitude and respect begets gratitude and respect.

    Valuing people and respecting them will foster good relations and strong bonds. The exceptional leader uses simple words like please and thank you to express this understanding. Be an exceptional leader and express your respect and gratitude toward other people and elevate and inspire them to greatness.  The more respect and gratitude you give, the more respect and gratitude you give.

Be inspired!
Myles Rennie

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